Cartomancy Cheat Sheet

Playing Card Combinations

Cartomancy Cheat Sheet

Playing Card Combinations

An Arteful Anonymous Witch


Ace of Diamonds

  • A♦, 2♦ — A gift of money.
  • Any , A♦, any — Beginning a period of financial prosperity.
  • A♦, 2♥ or T♥ — An engagement to be married; J♥ may be present.
  • 2♥, A♦ — Artistic creativity; if a K (power) or Q (truth) is the third card, it could be a creative genius.
  • A♦, 3♠ — Losing money.
  • A♦, 7♠ or 9♠ — A letter containing sad tidings.
  • A♦, T♠ — A destructive fire, if with A♥, in the home; with 6♦, in a car; if the 5♠ or 9♠ is nearby, there could be injuries.

Ace of Hearts

  • A♥, 4♦ — Contract to sell home or real estate license.
  • A♥, 4♦, 8♣ — Real estate agent.
  • A♥, 6♦ — A garage.
  • A♥, 2♥ — Family wedding.
  • A♥, 3♥ — Redecorating the home.
  • A♥, 3♠ or 9♠, 3♥ — Remodeling the home.
  • A♥, 4♥ — A condominium, or moving from house to apartment.
  • 4♥, A♥ — Moving from apartment to house.
  • A♥, 6♥ — Motor home, RV.
  • A♥, 8♣ or K♣ — A builder, a businessman who builds homes.
  • Any , A♥, any — Trouble, turmoil, aggravations in the home, the nature of which will be shown by the Spades.
  • A♥, 6♠ — Independence from family, moving away from family.
  • A♥, Court — Family-oriented person.
  • A♥, two or more Courts — Family reunion.

Ace of Clubs

  • A♣, 3♦ — New job duties, with a small raise in pay.
  • A♣, T♦ — New job duties, with a large raise in pay.
  • A♣, Q♦ — A financial opportunity that is as good as it sounds.
  • A♣, 9♥ — The opportunity to fulfill your heart’s desire.
  • 9♣, A♣ — Wanting to change jobs and reaching that goal.
  • Court, A♣, 3♠ — Task of taking care of a family member.

Ace of Spades

  • A♠, 4♦ — A will; if the person who made the will is deceased, you will likely see the 7♠, 9♠, or T♠ too, showing tears, grief.
  • A♠, 2♥ — A big decision about a relationship, generally favorable because falls second.
  • 2♥, A♠ — Ending a relationship ( falls second).
  • A♠, 8♣ — A decision about work.
  • 8♣, A♠ — Quitting the job.
  • A♠, 4♠ — Inability to make a decision; confusion.
  • A♠, 5♠ — A decision that you will regret.
  • A♠, 6♠ — Wrong decision.
  • A♠, any 8 — A decision to be made on the subject of the Eight’s suit; with the 8♠, a possible interpretation is inability to make a decision.
  • Any 9, A♠ — Reinforces the idea of the change indicated by the Nine, making it a big change.


Two of Diamonds

  • 2♦, Court — A telephone call; if the 2♦ falls first, the Seeker makes the call; if last, the Seeker receives the call; if the 6♦ is also present, the call is long-distance.
  • 2♦, 5♦ — Invitation to go out to dinner.
  • 2♦, 5♦, any — Gift of jewelry.
  • 2♦, 6♦ — Long-distance telephone call.
  • Any , 2♦, any — Gift from a loved one.
  • 2♦, J♥ — Invitation to go on a date; small gift to show appreciation.
  • 2♦, any J — A communication or message, the content of which depends on the Jack’s suit.
  • 2♦, 8♥ — Invitation to a party; if the 4♠ follows, the Seeker is forced to go out of obligation.
  • 2♦, 2♥, 8♥ — Invitation to a wedding.
  • 2♦, 4♣, 8♥ — Invitation to a bar, to go drinking.
  • 2♦, A♥ — Invitation to someone’s home; look for cards indicating a friend or family member, distance, or travel, such as the 5, K, or Q of , the 6♦ or 6♥, or two Tens together.
  • 2♦, 6♠ — Turning down an invitation; if with 5♠, because of illness.

Two of Hearts

  • 2♥, 3♥ — An artist of some type; if with a , dealing with words, like a poet or writer; with a , more likely painting or music; with a , more likely a craftsman; with a , more likely a dramatic actor.
  • 2♥, 3♦, 6♣ — Writing a book.
  • A♥, Court, 3♥ — New love interest, developing love affair.
  • 2♥, 8♥ — A wedding.
  • 2♥, 6♥ — A honeymoon trip.
  • 4♣, 2♥, 5♦ — Bridal shop.
  • J♥, 2♥, 5♣ — A date to go dancing.
  • 2♥, T♦, T♥ — A happy and successful marriage to a wealthy person; if the final card were a , marriage solely for money or financial gain.
  • 8♠, 2♥ — Peace restored after strife.
  • 2♥, any — Trouble in relationship.
  • 2♥, 2♠, 6♠ — Divorce following a period of separation.
  • 2♥, 6♠, another — Divorce, look for the K or Q of nearby; it is also possible that it will be the T♥ representing the marriage.
  • 2♥, 6♠, 4♥ — Close to divorce, but makes up after separation.
  • 2♥, any , J♠ — Lovesick person, unrequited love; may be the 3♥, instead.

Two of Clubs

  • 2♣ — A doubling or repeating.
    • With 2♥ or T♥ — a second marriage.
    • With 2♥, 6♥ — a second honeymoon.
    • With a Q and 3♥ — a woman having another child.
    • With 6♣ — going back to school.
    • With 8♣ — changing jobs a second time.
    • With a Court, that person is coming back into your life; if a Court or other Hearts are nearby, a former boyfriend/girlfriend comes back on the scene; also, 2♣, Court, and the A♥, 2♥, or 3♥, means getting a second chance at romance with a person.
  • 2♣, A♦, T♥ — Second engagement; this time leading to marriage.
  • 2♣, 2♦ — Financial assistance or loan needed.
  • 2♣, 8♦ — Bank loan.
  • 2♣, 8♦, A♥ — Mortgage with bank.
  • 2♣, 8♦, 6♦ — Car loan from bank.
  • 2♣, A♣ — Business proposal.
  • 2♣ — The Seeker will help a person do something;
    • If with a 2♠, a person will help the Seeker do something.
    • If with a , possibly financial help.
    • If with a , moral or emotional support.
    • If with a , some practical assistance.
    • If with a , to overcome a problem.
  • A♥, 2♣, 3♦ — Seeker receives minor financial assistance from a family member.
  • 2♣, 9♣ — The Seeker helps someone get a new job.
  • 9♣, 2♣ — Someone helps the Seeker get a new job.
  • Court, 2♣, Court — Two people helping each other or in partnership.
  • 2♣, any — Troubles in a partnership.

Two of Spades

  • 2♠, 8♣ — Conflict at work.
  • 2♠, 4♠ — Constant conflict, harassment; if with 9♠ or T♠, possible stalking.
  • 2♠, 8♠ — Conflict, harsh words involving a group of people.
  • 2♠, T♠ — Worry over separation.
  • Court, 2♠ — A person leaving your life, environment, etc.
  • 2♠, Court — A person who has left will be coming back.


Three of Diamonds

  • 3♦, 6♦, T♦ — Small amount invested brings great profits.
  • 3♦, A♥ — Small amount spent on house or family.
  • 2♣, 8♣, 3♦ — Second job; moonlighting.
  • 3♦, 5♣ — Purse or handbag (small amount of money, practical, hand).
  • 3♦, 5♣, 3♠ — Losing purse.
  • 3♦, 7♣ — Unexpectedly receiving small amounts of money.
  • 3♦, 9♣, 8♣ — Part-time employment turning full-time.
  • 8♣, 9♣, 3♦ — Full-time employment cut down to part-time.

Three of Hearts

  • 3♥, A♥ or J♥ — A baby to be born.
  • 3♥, 5♥ — Childhood friend or child making a friend.
  • 3♥, 8♥ — A baby shower.
  • 3♣, 3♥ — New haircut; decorative garden.
  • 3♥, 8♣ — Hearing about a pregnancy at work.
  • 3♥, A♠, 3♠ — Miscarriage; the 5♠ may also be present.
  • 3♥, Court, any — Trying to get close to a person, but it won’t be successful.
  • 3♥, 2♠ or 6♠ — Breaking off the relationship before it gets too serious.
  • 3♥, any J — A young child.
  • Court, 3♥ — A person loves children or wants children.
  • Court, 3♥, Court — Two people falling in love gradually; could also be the 2♥, but that would be love at first sight.

Three of Clubs

  • 3♣, 3♦ — Extra duties, but some extra pay, too.
  • 3♣, T♦ — Extra duties, but a great increase in pay.
  • 3♣, 5♥ — Herbalism; if with a Court, an herbalist.
  • 3♣, 8♣ — On-the-job training.

Three of Spades

  • 3♦, 3♠ — Losing a small amount of money.
  • 5♦, 3♠ — Losing a piece of jewelry.
  • 2♥, 3♠ — Someone trying to break up a romance.
  • 3♥, 3♠ — Love triangle that causes problems or someone trying to break up a developing romance.
  • 3♠, 8♣ — Losing a job.
  • 2♥, Court, 3♠ — Forcing attentions on someone that doesn’t want it; may be A♥ or 3♥ instead; and if it is the T♠ instead of the 3♠, it is bordering on harassment or stalking.


Four of Diamonds

  • A♦, 4♦, 3♦ — Opening a new bank account with a small deposit; if T♦, then a larger deposit.
  • 4♦, 6♦ — Driver’s license; if also with 3♠ or 4♠, driver’s license suspended.
  • 4♦, 8♣ — A license to practice a profession.
  • 4♦, any , 7♦ — Overdrawn on a bank account.
  • 4♦, 4♠ — Legal documents.
  • 4♦, 2♠, 3♦ — Taking a small amount of money from a bank account; if T♦, then a larger sum.
  • 4♦, any , any — One’s financial security is threatened.
  • Any , 3♣, 4♦ — Financial stability growing slowly.

Four of Hearts

  • A♥, 6♠, 4♥ — Moving out of the family home and getting your own apartment.

Four of Clubs

  • 4♣ — Showing outside places:
    • With 4♦ — a bank.
    • With 5♦ — a restaurant; but if another present, a store or shopping center.
    • With 8♦ and 8♣ — an accountant’s office.
    • With A♥ — a home office.
    • With 2♥ — a museum or theater; if 5♣ also present, a dance club.
    • With 3♥ — a daycare center or nursery school; if 5♣ also present, a playground; if 6♥ also present, a children’s camp.
    • With 3♥ and Q♥ or Q♦ — a beauty parlor.
    • With 4♥ — a hotel; if also with T♥, a seaside hotel.
    • With 5♥ — a place of amusement; if also with 3♥, an amusement park; if also with 5♣, a sports arena; if also with a or 7♣, a casino or betting parlor; if also with 8♣, the racehorse track; if also with a Q, possibly a ladies’ social club.
    • With 7♥ — a church.
    • With 8♥ — a bar; if also with a K, possibly a men’s social club.
    • With 3♣ — a park.
    • With 5♣ — a health club.
    • With 6♣ — a school or college.
    • With 8♣ — one’s office.
    • With A♠ — a funeral home or cemetery.
    • With 4♠ — a Court of law.
    • With 5♠ — a hospital; if also with A♥, a nursing home.
    • With 8♠ — covenstead.
  • 4♣, 5♦ — A picnic.
  • 4♣, J, 7 — If the J and the 7 are of the same suit, this combination indicates an elemental spirit attached to the land, of the nature shown by the suit – e.g., if the J♥ and 7♥, a spirit whose nature is consonant with water.
  • 4♣, any — Plans are not on a firm footing; faulty planning.

Four of Spades

  • 4♠, 2 or T♥ — Unstable marriage.
  • 4♠, 3♥, 4♦ — Adoption of a child.
  • 3♣, 4♠, A♠ — Jury duty; if the 2♦ instead of 3♣, then a summons to jury service.
  • 2♣, 4♠, 8♠ — Giving testimony in court; the 8♠ is the jury here; it may be the Q or K of to represent a judge, however.
  • ___, 4♠, ___ — The area of instability will be shown by the cards surrounding the 4♠.
  • T, T, 4♠ — The trip hasn’t been planned well enough; expect problems.
  • J, 4♠, J — Court case; the two Jacks show attorneys.


Five of Diamonds

  • 5♦, 2♦ — Shopping.
  • 5♦, 3♥ — Buying new clothes.
  • 5♦, 3♥, 9♦ — A makeover.
  • 2♣, 5♦, 8♣ — Waiter/waitress.
  • 3♣, 5♦, 8♣ — Caterer.
  • 5♦, 5♠ — Stomach problem; if with 9♠ or T♠, possibly an eating disorder.

Five of Hearts

  • 2♥, 5♥ — Sexual relations.
  • 5♥, 3♥, J♥ — Ménage à trois.
  • 6♥, 5♥, 3♥ — Family trip to an amusement park.
  • Court, 5♥, Court — Friendship developing between two people.
  • 5♥, 2♣, T♦ — Business venture with a friend; a lot of money will be made.
  • K♣, 5♥, 7♦ or 7♣ — Psychic healing (the K represents power here); if the 7♥, instead, then faith healing.
  • 5♥, J♠, 5♠ — Sexually-transmitted disease.
  • 5♥, Q♠ — Sexual indiscretion; 3♠ may be present showing a third-party; if with T♠, worry over sexual indiscretion.

Five of Clubs

  • 5♣ or T♣, 4♠ — Working oneself into exhaustion; need to slow down.
  • 5♣, T♦ — Working very hard, but the money makes it worth it.
  • 5♣, any Ace — Taking up a new hobby or sport:
    • With A♦ — something intellectual.
    • With A♥ — something creative.
    • With A♣ — a sport or something done with hands.
    • With A♠ — maybe something dangerous, like mountain climbing.
  • 5♣, T♥ — Swimming.
  • 5♣, T♥, 6♣ — Learning to swim.
  • 5♣, T♥, 8♣ — Swimming instructor or working at a pool.
  • 5♣, T♥, 2♣ — Lifeguard.
  • 5♣, T♥, A♠ or 5♠ — Dangerous waters or water accident; any following the swimming cards is not good.

Five of Spades

  • 5♠, 2♦ or 3♦ — Getting sick pay.
  • 5♠, any — Health will improve.
  • 8♥, 5♠ — Too much partying, drinking, revelry; getting drunk.
  • 8♥, 5♠, 8♣ — Bartender.
  • 8♥, 5♠, 7♠ — Alcoholism; 9♠ instead of 7♠ also possible.
  • 5♠, 2♣ — Nurse; 8♣ may be present.
  • Court, 5♠, 7♠ — Going to the doctor for tests.
  • 5♠, 2♠ — Operation.


Six of Diamonds

  • 6♦, any — Money spent on the car; if it is A♦ or T♦, probably a new car; otherwise, look to nearby cards to determine why the money is being spent (repair, decoration, etc.).
  • 2♦, 6♦, 3♦ — Paying off a car loan bit-by-bit.
  • 6♦, 3♦, any — Putting some money into your car, but it doesn’t fix the problem.
  • 2♠, 6♦, T♦ — Getting rid of an old car, buying a new one.
  • 6♦, A♥ — Looking for a house; seeing it as an investment.
  • 6♦, 2♣ — Used car.
  • 6♦, 5♣ — Motorcycle.
  • 6♦, 7♣ — Investment.
  • 6♦, 7♣, 8♣ — Investment banker.
  • 6♦, 7♣, 3♦ or 3♣ — Investment growing slowly; if the last card were T♦ or T♣, growing much better; better to have Diamonds end the fan here than the Clubs.
  • 6♦, 8♣ — Mechanic.
  • 6♦, T♣, T♠ — Car trouble on a trip, possibly a flat tire (because the is air; if it were the T♥, a problem with car fluids).
  • 6♦, any — Trouble with the car.
  • 6♦, 3♠ — Losing on investments.
  • 6♦, 5♠ — “Sick car,” needs a mechanic; if the 2♠ is the third card, the mechanic will tell you to get rid of it.
  • Court, 6♦ — Person leaving for a journey.
  • 6♦, Court — Person returning from a journey.

Six of Hearts

  • 6♥, A♣ — Making good progress toward a goal.
  • 6♥, 4♣ — Camping trip; if with 4♥, to a rustic cottage; if with 6♦, a camping trailer.
  • 6♥, 4♣, T♥ — On holiday at the beach, seaside.
  • 3♠, 6♥ — Overcoming small obstacles.
  • Court, 6♥, Court — Deepening emotional bond between two people.

Six of Clubs

  • 6♣, 4♦ — A diploma or school certificate.
    • If with J♣ — from a trade school.
    • If with J♦ — college degree.
    • If with K♠ — master’s degree.
    • If with 5♠ — doctorate.
  • 6♣, 4♦, 3♣ — Report card.
  • 6♣, 5♦ — Bookstore.
  • 6♣, 8♦ — Television.
  • 6♣, 9♦ — Computer.
  • 6♣, 9♦ or T♦ — Very successful business trip; the A♦, 3♦, 4♦ would also show a successful outcome.
  • 6♣, 2♥ — Learning to dance.
  • 6♣, 8♣ — Education for a job.
  • 6♣, 9♣ — Education to change jobs.
  • 2♣, 6♣ — Teaching.
  • 2♣, 6♣, 8♣ — A teacher.

Six of Spades

  • 6♠, 6♥ — Walking away is walking toward something better; especially if another red card follows; “the best thing you could have done”; instead of 6♥, other good cards here would be 9♥ or T♥.
  • 5♦, 6♠ — Cleaning out closets, paring down household items; A♥ or 4♥ may be present.
  • 6♦, 6♠, 2♣ — Getting rid of a car, getting another one, probably a used car.
  • 6♠, 8♠ — Running with the wrong crowd.
  • J♠, 6♠, 5♥ — Troubled youth running away; he’s at a friend’s house.
  • T, T, 6♠ — An ill-advised journey, beset with trouble.


Seven of Diamonds

  • 6♦, 7♦ — Poor investment.
  • 6♣, 7♦ — Studying psychism.
  • 6♣, 7♦, 3♣ — Studying psychism and making progress.
  • 7♦, Court — Person has psychic ability.
  • 7♦, 5♥, Court — A psychic healer.
  • 7♦, 8♣ — Professional psychic.
  • 7♦, 8♣, J♠ — A medium or necromancer or other psychic that works with the dead.
  • 2♠, 7♦, T♦ — Astral projection; if the J♠ instead of 2♠, the projection will be made in fetch form; sometimes the 6♦ appears instead of the T♦ because either may represent a journeying consciousness.

Seven of Hearts

  • 7♥, K♥ — God, in general.
  • 7♥, Q♥ — Goddess, in general.
  • Court, A♠, 7♥ — Born-again Christian.
  • 7♥, 3♠, 6♥ — Several minor troubles in the relationship, but things will improve; if T♥, instead of 6♥, the relationship is marital.
  • 7♥, 2♠, 8♣ — Emotionally upset about conflict at work.
  • 7♥, any 8 — Prayer, involving a subject shown by the Eight’s suit.

Seven of Clubs

  • A♥, 7♣ — Occult work in the home.
  • 8♠, A♥, 7♣ — Home needs spiritual purification.
  • 7♣, A♦ — Money spell.
  • 7♣, 2♥ — Love spell.
  • 7♣, A♥, any — Trouble at work affecting home life.
  • 5♥, 7♣ — Game of chance; if this combination is followed by a , likely winning at a game of chance; if followed by a , losing.
  • 7♣, 5♥ — Chance meeting with a friend.
  • 6♣, 7♣ — Studying occultism.
  • K♣, 7♣, 2♠ — Trouble with the boss at work.

Seven of Spades

  • A♥, J♠, 7♠ — Spirit in house, causing problems.
  • T♥, 7♠, 2♠ — Marriage breaking up; divorce.
  • K♥, 5♠, 7♠ — Going to the doctor for tests.
  • 7♠, A♠, A♦ — Initiation into the Mysteries.


Eight of Diamonds

  • 8♦, A♦ — Making financial plans for a new beginning.
  • 8♦, 3♦ — Budgeting money bit by bit. If the third card in the trio is the 6♦, for a car; if the A♥, a house; if the 6♥, a vacation; with the 5♦ or 9♦, for clothes, jewelry, etc.; if with a , then some practical purchase.
  • 8♦, 4♦ — Savings plan.
  • 5♥, 8♦ — Going to the movies; 4♣ may be present, meaning movie theater.
  • 8♦, any — Need to work on budgeting money.
  • 8♦, any — Expense that cannot be afforded; unwise spending; need to budget.
  • A♦, 8♦, K♠ — Paying taxes; K♠ is the government here; usually only appears if there is going to be a problem with taxes (hence the ends the trio), such as inability to pay (see combination 8♦, any ).
  • A♦, 8♦, 7♠ — Tax audit.

Eight of Hearts

  • 2♥, 8♥ — Lovers’ sweet talk.
  • 8♥, J♥ — Flirtation.
  • 4♣, 8♥ — Drinking at a bar or social club.
  • 9♣, A♣, 8♥ — Celebrating a promotion.

Eight of Clubs

  • 8♣, 6♠ — Quitting or leaving the job.
  • 6♠, 8♣ — Losing the job and looking for a new one.
  • 8♣, 9♣ — Interviewing for a new job.
  • 8♣, 8♦ — An accountant.
  • A♥, 8♣, 9♦ — Going back to work after being at home, with the 9♦ showing improved financial conditions.
  • Any , 8♣, any — Do not mix business and pleasure; if the is the A♥, work is interfering with home life.
  • 8♣, T♦ — Thriving business; if the 3♦, instead, business is less but steady.
  • 8♣, two or more Courts — Business conference, at a distance if 6♦, 6♣, or two Tens are nearby.

Eight of Spades

  • 8♠, 5♥ — Sabbat.
  • 6♥, 8♠, 4♣ — Traveling to Sabbatstead.
  • Any , 8♠, any — Imagines problems that don’t exist.
  • 8♠, Court — Person with a poor attitude.


Nine of Diamonds

  • 4♣, 5♦, 9♦ or T♦ — A thriving business.
  • Court , 9♦, T♦ — A person of wealth and affluence.
  • 9♣, 9♦ — Change in job with finances improving.

Nine of Hearts

  • Indicating the wish; sometimes you can tell what the wish is by the cards falling next to this card – a , more money, the 3♥ for a child, 9♣ for a change of job, etc.
  • 9♥, any or — Reinforces wish coming true.
  • 9♥, — Wish will come true, but requires work to maintain.
  • 9♥, A♥ — Traditionally, a fortunate combination meaning the achievement of the heart’s desire in one’s own house.
  • 9♥, 3♥, Court — Wish for deepening love comes true; if the 5♥ replaces the Court, then friends become romantically involved.
  • 9♥, Court, T♥ — One’s dream spouse. If a 7 is also nearby, it is a strong karmic relationship in which the two people are perfect complements of one another.
  • K♥, 9♥, Q♥ — Also one’s dream spouse.
  • 9♥, A♣, 3♠ — Opportunity lost for the wish to be fulfilled.
  • 9♥, 4♠ — Unsure of what to wish for.
  • 9♥, J♥ or Q♠ — A foolish wish or an unrealistic wish.
  • 9♥, , — Wish fulfilled, but problems ahead; be careful what you wish for.
  • Any , 9♥ — Work is necessary for the wish to be fulfilled.
  • Any , 9♥ — Delay or problem to be overcome before the wish is fulfilled.
  • Court, 9♥ — Wish fulfilled through the agency of the person represented; note the suit of the Court, however… if a , possibly an enemy working against your wish.

Nine of Clubs

  • 9♣, A♣ — Change of jobs with new responsibilities.
  • 9♣, T♦ — Changing jobs with a big raise in pay.
  • 6♠, A♥, 9♣ — Changing jobs and moving away.

Nine of Spades

  • 9♠, 4♥ — Getting what one deserves, comeuppance.
  • Any 5, 9♠, 5♠ — Injury to hands or feet.
  • 5♣, J♠, T♠ — Possible spirit possession (not demonic); a difficult one to read; the 5♣ would indicate that the spirit had at least some control of the motor function; the combination may also be formed with some other Fives, but the suit of the 5 would indicate the spirit’s main focus (appetites, motor function, mind).


Ten of Diamonds

  • 6♦, T♦, 4♠ — Beware of get-rich-quick scheme.
  • 8♣, T♦ — Business profits increase.
  • 4♠, 8♣, T♦ — Business starts slowly, then takes off and prospers.
  • 5♥, T♦, T♥ — Health, wealth, and happiness (and opportunity to travel).

Ten of Hearts

  • 4♣, T♥ — Beach.
  • 6♥, 4♣, T♥ — Trip to the beach.
  • T♥, 3♠, any — Lost at sea.
  • 2 or T♥, 5♠, 9 or T♠ — An abusive marriage owing to some addiction.
  • T♥, Court — Marriage is important to the person.

Ten of Clubs

  • 6♦, T♣, A♥ — Taking an airplane trip to see a family member at a distance; if with 5, visiting a friend; if with T♥, to a wedding.
  • T♣, 6♥ or 6♣ — Making good progress on a pile of work.
  • T♣, 2♣, T♦ — Taking a second business trip, and this time, sealing the deal.
  • 3♠, T♣ — Lots of small tasks piling up.

Ten of Spades

  • A♥, T♠, 3♠ — Burglary of home.
  • 5♥, T♠, 9♠ — Rape.
  • Any , T♠, 3♠ — Theft of money, valuables, or jewelry (if 5♦).
  • A♥, 3♣, T♠ — Steps taken to protect the home from crime or accident.
  • 2♥ or T♥, T♠ — Worry about marriage or marriage partner; if the two Tens are in combination here, the worry is that the partner may leave for a time. 2♥ with the T♠ may also be fear of commitment.
  • 2♥, 3♥, T♠ — Worried about the development of a romantic relationship.
  • Any 9, T♠ — Fear of change, the type of change indicated by the 9’s suit.
  • 9♥, T♠ — Afraid wish will not come true.
  • 6♦, T♠ — Worried about a car.
  • Court, T♠ — Seeker is worried about a person, and the person is worried.

Combinations with Courts

  • K♥, , another K — A gay man, particularly where the middle is a 2, 3, 5, 9, or even T. The same combination as Q♥, , Q would indicate a lesbian.
  • Any , K♠, any — A politician.
  • K♠, another K — Police.
  • K♠, 4♣, another K — Jail.
  • K♠, 4♠, another K — Arrest. Instead of 4♠ (hemmed in by police), it could also be 6♠ (taken away by police) or T♠ (criminal action interrupted by police).
  • K♠, 4♠, another K — Police investigation.
  • Q♠, 7♠ — Covering up a lie.
  • 7♠, Q♥ — Uncovering the truth.
  • J, J, 5♥ or 6♥ — An outing with young people.
  • Court, Court, — Particularly where the is the 2, 4, 9, or T, reconciliation between a separated couple.
  • Court, Court, Court — An event with a group of people. Judge from the suits, particularly of the last card, whether the Seeker will have a good time if it is a social event or a successful outcome if it’s a business event.
  • J or K, Q of the same suit — A J or K with any Q of its own suit will show a couple if they are paired with a love card.

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